Make Me Holy Again Man on the Silver Mountain

Trumah 25:i]The Eternal One spoke to Moses, maxim:2]Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose middle is so moved.3]And these are the gifts that you lot shall accept from them: gold, silver, and copper;4]bluish, purple, and crimson yarns, fine linen, goats' pilus;5]tanned ram skins, dolphin skins, and acacia wood;6]oil for lighting, spices for the anointing oil and for the effluvious incense;vii]lapis lazuli and other stones for setting, for the ephod and for the breastpiece.eight]And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.ix]Exactly as I show you lot—the pattern of the Tabernacle and the pattern of all its effects—so shall y'all make it.

10]They shall make an ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a one-half broad, and a cubit and a one-half high.eleven]Overlay information technology with pure aureate—overlay it within and out—and make upon information technology a gold molding round about.12]Cast four gold rings for it, to be fastened to its 4 feet, two rings on one of its side walls and two on the other.13]Make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold;14]and so insert the poles into the rings on the side walls of the ark, for conveying the ark.xv]The poles shall remain in the rings of the ark: they shall non exist removed from it.16]And deposit in the Ark [the tablets of] the Pact which I volition give you.

17]Y'all shall make a cover of pure gold, 2 and a half cubits long and a cubit and a one-half wide.eighteen]Brand two cherubim of gilt—make them of hammered piece of work—at the two ends of the encompass.19]Make one cherub at 1 end and the other cherub at the other end; of i piece with the cover shall you brand the cherubim at its ii ends.20]The cherubim shall take their wings spread out above, shielding the cover with their wings. They shall confront each other, the faces of the cherubim being turned toward the comprehend.21]Place the cover on superlative of the Ark, afterwards depositing within the Ark the Pact that I will requite you.22]There I will meet with y'all, and I will impart to yous—from above the cover, from between the ii cherubim that are on acme of the Ark of the Pact—all that I will command you concerning the Israelite people.

23]You shall make a tabular array of acacia wood, two cubits long, i cubit wide, and a cubit and a half high.24]Overlay it with pure aureate, and make a gilded molding around information technology.25]Make a rim of a hand'due south breadth around it, and make a aureate molding for its rim round nigh.26]Make 4 gilded rings for it, and adhere the rings to the four corners at its four legs.27]The rings shall exist next to the rim, equally holders for poles to deport the table.28]Brand the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gilt; by these the table shall be carried.29]Make its bowls, ladles, jars and jugs with which to offer libations; make them of pure gilded.30]And on the table yous shall set the bread of display, to be before Me always.

31]You shall make a lampstand of pure gold; the lampstand shall be made of hammered piece of work; its base and its shaft, its cups, calyxes, and petals shall be of one piece.32]Six branches shall issue from its sides; three branches from one side of the lampstand and three branches from the other side of the lampstand.33]On one branch in that location shall exist three cups shaped like almond-blossoms, each with calyx and petals, and on the next co-operative at that place shall be three cups shaped like almond-blossoms, each with calyx and petals; so for all half-dozen branches issuing from the lampstand.34]And on the lampstand itself at that place shall be four cups shaped like almond-blossoms, each with calyx and petals:35]a calyx, of one piece with it, under a pair of branches; and a calyx, of 1 slice with information technology, under the second pair of branches, and a calyx, of one slice with it, under the last pair of branches; so for all 6 branches issuing from the lampstand.36]Their calyxes and their stems shall be of i piece with it, the whole of it a single hammered piece of pure gold.37]Brand its vii lamps—the lamps shall be and so mounted as to give the light on its front end side—38]and its tongs and burn down pans of pure golden.39]Information technology shall be made, with all these furnishings, out of a talent of pure gold.40]Note well, and follow the patterns for them that are being shown you on the mountain.

26:i]As for the tabernacle, brand information technology of ten strips of cloth; make these of fine twisted linen, of blue, regal, and red yarns, with a blueprint of cherubim worked into them.2]The length of each fabric shall be 20-8 cubits, and the width of each material shall exist four cubits, all the cloths to take the same measurements.3]5 of the cloths shall be joined to i some other, and the other five cloths shall be joined to one another.iv]Make loops of bluish wool on the edge of the outermost cloth of the one set up; and do likewise on the edge of the outermost cloth of the other set:5]brand fifty loops on the one fabric, and fifty loops on the edge of the terminate material of the other set, the loops to be opposite one another.half dozen]And make l gold clasps, and couple the cloths to one another with the clasps, and then that the tabernacle becomes one whole.

7]You shall then make cloths of goats' pilus for a tent over the tabernacle; brand the cloths 11 in number.8]The length of each textile shall exist xxx cubits, and the width of each cloth shall be four cubits, the eleven cloths to have the same measurements.ix]Join five of the cloths past themselves, and the other six cloths past themselves; and fold over the 6th cloth at the front end of the tent.ten]Make l loops on the border of the outermost cloth of the one gear up, and fifty loops on the edge of the cloth of the other set.xi]Make fifty copper clasps, and fit the clasps into the loops, and couple the tent together so that it becomes one whole.12]Every bit for the overlapping excess of the cloths of the tent, the extra half-cloth shall overlap the back of the tabernacle,xiii]while the extra cubit at either end of each length of tent cloth shall hang down to the lesser of the two sides of the Tabernacle and cover information technology.14]And make for the tent a roofing of tanned ram skins, and a roofing of dolphin skins higher up.

xv]You shall make the planks for the Tabernacle of acacia wood, upright.sixteen]The length of each plank shall be ten cubits and the width of each plank a cubit and a one-half.17]Each plank shall have two tenons, parallel to each other; do the aforementioned with all the planks of the Tabernacle.18]Of the planks of the Tabernacle, make 20 planks on the southward side:19]making forty silver sockets under the twenty planks, two sockets nether the one plank for its two tenons and two sockets under each following plank for its two tenons;20]and for the other side wall of the Tabernacle, on the north side, xx planks,21]with their forty silver sockets, two sockets under the ane plank and ii sockets under each following plank.22]And for the rear of the Tabernacle, to the west, make six planks;23]and make two planks for the corners of the Tabernacle at the rear.24]They shall match at the bottom, and end alike at the top inside one ring; thus shall information technology be with both of them: they shall class the two corners.25]Thus at that place shall be eight planks with their sockets of silverish: sixteen sockets, ii sockets under the first plank, and two sockets under each of the other planks.

26]You shall make bars of acacia forest: five for the planks of the one side wall of the Tabernacle,27]five bars for the planks of the other side wall of the Tabernacle, and five bars for the planks of the wall of the Tabernacle at the rear to the due west.28]The center bar halfway upwards the planks shall run from end to end.29]Overlay the planks with golden, and make their rings of gold, as holders for the confined; and overlay the bars with gold.30]Then set up the Tabernacle according to the mode of it that yous were shown on the mountain.

31]You shall make a curtain of bluish, purple, and crimson yarns, and fine twisted linen; it shall have a blueprint of cherubim worked into it.32]Hang information technology upon four posts of acacia woods overlaid with gilded and having hooks of golden, [set up] in four sockets of silver.33]Hang the mantle nether the clasps, and carry the Ark of the Pact at that place, behind the curtain, then that the curtain shall serve you as a partitioning betwixt the Holy and the Holy of Holies.34]Place the cover upon the Ark of the Pact in the Holy of Holies.35]Place the table exterior the mantle, and the lampstand past the south wall of the Tabernacle opposite the tabular array, which is to be placed by the due north wall.

36]You shall make a screen for the entrance of the Tent, of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and fine twisted linen, done in embroidery.37]Brand five posts of acacia forest for the screen and overlay them with gold—their hooks beingness of gold—and cast for them five sockets of copper.

27:i]Yous shall make the altar of acacia forest, five cubits long and five cubits wide—the altar is to be square—and three cubits high.2]Make its horns on the four corners, the horns to be of one piece with it; and overlay it with copper.iii]Make the pails for removing its ashes, as well equally its scrapers, basins, mankind hooks, and fire pans—make all its utensils of copper.4]Make for it a grating of meshwork in copper; and on the mesh make four copper rings at its four corners.5]Fix the mesh below, under the ledge of the altar, so that it extends to the middle of the altar.6]And make poles for the altar, poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with]The poles shall exist inserted into the rings, so that the poles remain on the two sides of the altar when it is carried.8]Make it hollow, of boards. Equally you were shown on the mount, so shall they be made.

9]Yous shall brand the enclosure of the Tabernacle:

On the southward side, a hundred cubits of hangings of fine twisted linen for the length of the enclosure on that side—10]with its twenty posts and their twenty sockets of copper, the hooks and bands of the posts to be of silver.

11]Once again a hundred cubits of hangings for its length forth the northward side—with its 20 posts and their twenty sockets of copper, the hooks and bands of the posts to be of argent.

12]For the width of the enclosure, on the west side, 50 cubits of hangings, with their ten posts and their ten sockets.

13]For the width of the enclosure on the front end, or east side, fifty cubits:xiv]15 cubits of hangings on the one flank, with their 3 posts and their iii sockets;15]fifteen cubits of hangings on the other flank, with their three posts and their three sockets;sixteen]and for the gate of the enclosure, a screen of twenty cubits, of blue, purple, and ruddy yarns, and fine twisted linen, done in embroidery, with their four posts and their 4 sockets.

17]All the posts round the enclosure shall be banded with silver and their hooks shall be of argent; their sockets shall exist of copper.

18]The length of the enclosure shall be a hundred cubits, and the width 50 throughout; and the height v cubits—[with hangings] of fine twisted linen. The sockets shall be of copper:19]all the utensils of the Tabernacle, for all its service, also equally all its pegs and all the pegs of the court, shall be of copper.


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